Founded in 2021 by Dauphne and myself (Darrell), McGavic's Middle TN Minis is located in Springfield, TN, 30 miles north of Nashville. Our farm is nestled on 11 acres with multiple fenced areas for our mini herd. The initial idea was to get two miniature donkeys for our grandchildren since we had land and no animals, except chickens. Ever since Dauphne fell in love with the “wooly” coated donkey, we have been on a wild adventure to acquire these rare equines. Wooly donkeys typically have longer body hair, a tail and mane like a horse, and longer inner ear hair. Although we are new to donkey breeding, we have many years of life experience raising children and pets and have had the benefit of having many great mentors.
All of our donkeys are MDR registered through The American Donkey and Mule Society. Currently we have two wooly herd sires and eleven breeding jennets (8 wooly, 2 semi-wooly, and 1 slick). We also have twelve wooly brood jennets ranging in age from 7 – 26 months old. We have multiple colors currently in our herd and look forward to watching that grow. We interact with our minis multiple times daily and given them many toys to keep them entertained. Our herd sires, Max and Phoenix love their “jolly balls” and tether balls. Our goal is to offer our customers a friendly, easy, and relaxing experience in purchasing from our farm. We strive for quality consisting of great bites, body confirmation, and a loving temperament.
In August 2023, we added two micro miniature donkeys (1 jack and 1 jennet) to our farm. A micro miniature donkey is under 30” measured from the ground to the withers. Goliath (our micro jack) is currently 18 months old and is 24” tall. Lil Cupcake (our micro jennet) is 30 months old and is 24” tall. In December 2023, we added Lollipop, a 28.5" eight year old jennet. We are excited to see what these tiny new donkeys produce in the future for our farm.